Cowen Tax Advisory Group

Financial Planning Services You Can Count On In South Windsor, CT

Here at Cowen Tax Advisory Group, for over 40 years, our team of experienced financial specialists has been providing our South Windsor clients with affordable, top-rated financial services. Our team takes pride in delivering premier financial and consulting services to our valued South Windsor clients that serve to assist them in truly getting the most from their every dollar. The top-rated financial services provided by our dedicated team to not only our clients in South Windsor but in many of the nearby towns, include:

Retirement Planning

Life Insurance Decisions

Tax Preparation Work

Asset Management Needs

401K Rollover Assistance

Investment Management

Legal Services

Here at Cowen Tax Advisory Group our certified team is made up of a group of reputable attorneys, financial experts, and retirement consultants as well as Medicare and insurance specialists. Our dedicated team has earned a spot at the top of the marketplace charts as one of the best financial service providers located here in Connecticut. Our team is steadfast in our commitment to maintain that very marketplace presence we have earned by continuing to provide our South Windsor clients with top-rated financial services. We are on hand to answer any questions clients may have, analyze various client scenarios and assist individuals with all their important decision making with regard to their long-term financial wellbeing.

Our Services


Investments serve to maximize profits and minimize risk factors. With that said our team stands ready to meet your needs.


Medicare and all other types of insurance choices can be difficult and challenging. Our team is here to help.


For all your tax planning and preparation look to the professionals here at Cowen Tax Advisory Group.


Making retirement decisions must be done early on. That’s where our team of specialists comes in.

Who Are We?

cowen team photo

The highly skilled and experienced team of financial experts here at Cowen Tax Advisory Group offers all our South Windsor clients a broad spectrum of financial services that include, but are not limited to, retirement, legal, investment and insurance services, each of which directly contributes to their financial planning. Our dedicated team of financial specialists takes much pride in not only providing our South Windsor clients with affordable and effective financial planning options but in our many diverse consulting services as well. The services we provide our South Windsor clients help them to ultimately achieve their long-term financial goals and successes in life over a period of time.

Take Control of Your Financial Future

For more than 40 years now the dedicated financial experts here at Cowen Tax Advisory Group have been offering our South Windsor clients insight and important information that helps with their understanding of the overall importance of planning and maintaining control of their own financial goals and future. Our financial experts are on hand to create and design customized financial plans that are specific to the individual needs of all our South Windsor clients and those in the adjacent towns as well. The plans we create are designed to help individuals, over time, achieve their long-term financial goals and objectives. To learn more about our top-of-the-line financial services or to schedule a free consultation with one of our team members, give a shout out to our office today!

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